• 713-640-1490

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I rent a dumpster?

– Simply give us a call to (713)640-1490 or for repeated customers, just email the address.

What is the cost to rent a dumpster?

– It depends on your location
– The size of the dumpster
– The number of days you need the dumpster

What forms of payments do you take?

– Payment are made thru the phone with credit or debit cards, before delivery.
– Best Dumpster Service, does not accept cash, checks or money orders

Are there any additional charges?

“YES, if any of the following apply.”
– Overloaded dumpster and we have to remove excess & only if the driver can remove it.
– Not able to pick up for being overweight or being blocked
– If tires are found ($20 per tire,) if TV’s or computer monitors ($50)
– Relocation of Dumpster
– If you want the dumpster place at a specific location & the truck gets stuck; The customer will  be responsible for towing charges.
– Dry run charges $125
– Additional days/week, per request

What if I need to cancel or change delivery date on my order?

– If you need to change dates, please call the day before delivery and we will gladly change the delivery date.
– If you change delivery date once at the location there will be a dry run fee
– If you have to cancel, there is a $50 cancellation fee
– If you cancel, once the driver is at the location there is a $125 dry run fee

What is the correct way to load the dumpsters?

– Do not over load dumpsters!
– Load dumpsters to the level of the rim, as flat as possible.
– No items are permitted to be hanging over the sides or sticking out.
– No objects should be standing straight up to interfere with the tarp.
– There will be an additional $50 charge if we’re able to unload the dumpster or $125 dry run fee if we’re unable to bring it.

What materials are not accepted?

– Wet garbage (kitchen/restroom waste)
– Medical waste
– Hazardous material (oil, paint, chemicals, etc.)
– Tires, motor oil or batteries
– Televisions or computer monitors
– Flammable liquids

Do I need a permit to rent a dumpster?

– Only if you plan to place the dumpster on a street or public property

Will a dumpster damage my driveway?

– Depending on the age and stability of your driveway or the wetness of your lawn and, also the weight that is loaded in the dumpster, some marking could occur.
– Customer takes full responsibility for any damage that may be caused to driveways, asphalt, lawns, sidewalks, etc.
– We recommend lying plywood down in the area the box will be placed.